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08-10-11 Planning & Zoning Commission Regular Session Minutes
AUGUST 10, 2011

A Regular Session Meeting of the EAST HARTFORD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION was held in the Town Council Chambers, 740 Main Street, East Hartford, Connecticut on August 10, 2011.

The meeting was called to order at 8:57 p.m.



Anthony F. Kayser; Chairman;
Peter Bonzani; Vice-Chairman;
Kathleen Salemi; Secretary
John Ryan;
Thomas Fitzgerald;
Travis Simpson (Alternate);
Crystal Hernandez (Alternate);


Paul J. Roczynski;
John Grottole;
Mary Whaples (Alternate);

Also Present:
Michael Dayton, Town Planner
M. Denise Horan, Town Engineer
John Choquette, Director of Development


Chairman Anthony Kayser declared a quorum present. Chairman Kayser stated that Travis Simpson would be voting in place of John Grottole, and Crystal Hernandez would be voting in place of Paul Roczynski.  Additionally, Chairman Kayser stated that the Commission would be voting with seven members.

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Design Review Meeting – June 22, 2011

Kathy Salemi stated that a correction to the minutes needed to be made. ~Pete Bonzani’s name was misstated as Paul Bonzani.  His name should be corrected. Upon a motion by John Ryan, seconded by Pete Bonzani, the Commission Voted (5-0) to Approve the above minutes with correction.  Tom Fitzgerald and Crystal Hernandez abstained from the vote due to their absence from the meeting.

Regular Session Minutes
August 10, 2011
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Regular Session Meeting – June 22, 2011

Upon a motion by John Ryan seconded by Pete Bonzani, the Commission Voted (5-0) to Approve the above minutes. Tom Fitzgerald and Crystal Hernandez abstained from the vote due to their absence from the meeting.
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SUBDIVISION APPLICATION for “Raymond J. Fortin” Preliminary and Final Layout Approval, Two lots on 1.9 acres of land located at 762 Oak Street.
Assessors Map# 63 Lot# 130
Applicant: Raymond J. Fortin

Upon a motion by Pete Bonzani, seconded by Tom Fitzgerald, the Commission Voted (7-0) to Approve the above Subdivision Application with the following modifications:

  • Final plans are to signed and sealed by the professional engineer or surveyor licensed in the State of Connecticut that is responsible for the work.
  • Revise the 100 & 200 scale subdivision plats so that their lot numbers are visible.  
  • On sheet 1, clarify on the plan how the overhead lines connect to the pole number 4423 from the street.
  • On the subdivision map, add a note specifying all waivers that were granted as part of the subdivision approval.
  • Subdivision Bond set in the amount of $21,000.00.
  • On subdivision final mylars, add a note specifying all waivers that were granted as part of the subdivision approval.
  • Final mylars shall indicate the correct address for the site which is 762 Oak Street.
  • Note shall be placed on the final mylars indicating that accessory brick structure shall be removed or demolished.
Upon a motion by John Ryan, seconded by Tom Fitzgerald, the Commission Voted (7-0) to Approve the following waivers:

  • Section 5.5(h) Underground Utilities
  • Section 8.7 – Street Trees
Section 9.0 – Open space, Parks and Playgrounds
Section 4.6(d)7 – Seepage Test and Boring Data
Section 4.6(d)10 – Valuable Site Resources Mapping

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SUBDIVISION APPLICATION for “Hills Street Subdivision” – ~Preliminary and Final Layout Approval, Five lots on 1.92 acres of land located at 208-250 Hill Street.
Assessors Map# 53 Lot# 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31
Applicant: Premier Partners & Associates, LLC

Upon a motion by John Ryan, seconded by Tom Fitzgerald, the Commission Voted (7-0) to Approve the above Subdivision Application with the following modifications:

Regular Session Minutes
August 10, 2011
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  • Final plans are to signed and sealed by the professional engineer or surveyor licensed in the State of Connecticut that is responsible for the work.
On the Subdivision Plan, add notes to document, with reference to relevant regulation sections, waivers granted for the subdivision by the planning and zoning commission.
Subdivision Bond set in the amount of $37,000.00.

Upon a motion by John Ryan, seconded by Tom Fitzgerald, the Commission Voted (7-0) to Approve the following waivers:

  • Section 9.0 – Open space, Parks and Playgrounds
  • Section 5.4(k)3.(j) – Conservation Plan
  • Section 4.6(d)10 – Valuable Site Resources Mapping
  • Section 5.4(j).5(d) – Survey Data / Monuments
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TEXT AMENDMENT APPLICATION - To allow donation drop-off boxes by Special Permit in B-1-A, B-1, B-2, B-3, B-4, B-5, I-1, I-2, I-3 zones and legally conforming house of worship by special permit in R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4, R-5, & B-2 zones, with specific requirements and a new definition under section 200.
Applicant: East Hartford Town Planning and Zoning Commission ~

Upon a motion by Travis Simpson, seconded by Kathy Salemi, the Commission Voted (7-0) to Approve the above Text Amendment Application with an effective date 15 days after the decision is advertised.

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SPECIAL PERMIT USE APPLICATION – Under Section 403.2A to allow an automobile filling station and associated convenience store on land located at 73-75 Burnside Avenue.
Assessors Map #14 Lot# 332
Applicant: Paras LLC.

Upon a motion by Travis Simpson, seconded by Kathy Salemi, the Commission Voted (7-0) to Approve the above Special Permit Use Application with the following conditions:

  • In evaluating this application, the Planning and Zoning Commission has relied upon information provided by the applicant and if such information subsequently proves to be false, deceptive, incomplete and / or inaccurate, this permit shall be modified suspended or revoked.
  • Final plans are to signed and sealed by the professional engineer or surveyor licensed in the State of Connecticut that is responsible for the work.
  • Hours of operation for the convenience store and automobile filling station shall be limited to 5:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST).
  • Applicant shall maintain the onsite storm water drainage per the submitted Operation and Maintenance Plan.

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Regular Session Minutes
August 10, 2011
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  • 652 Main Street ~A.K.A 143 Pitkin Street, Meadow Hill Pump Station storage pond maintenance dredging, culvert end repairs and removal vegetation of within the main discharge channel.
Upon a motion by Pete Bonzani, seconded by Tom Fitzgerald, the Commission Voted (7-0) to Approve the above 8-24 referral for Meadow Hill Pump Station storage pond maintenance dredging, culvert end repairs and removal vegetation of within the main discharge channel.

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  • Memorandum from James F. Kulpa; Assistant Town Engineer dated 7-26-2011 regarding culvert cleaning and sediment removal at Porter and Main Street at Porter Brook
It was the consensus of the Commission to allow cleaning of the existing storm water drainage culvert as maintenance without the need for a flood hazard development permit.

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  • Commission acknowledged correspondence dated August 5, 2011 from Mr. Jeffrey James of True Blue Environmental Services, Inc. Moreover, the Commission requested staff to have Corporation Counsel office review the request for permit transfer.
  • Commission also acknowledged correspondence dated August 5, 2011 from Mr. Paul F. Muniz of Environmental Partners, LLC. Moreover, the Commission requested the Town Engineer to review the bond revision request and report back with a recommendation at the next meeting.


Upon a motion by Kathy Salemi, seconded by Pete Bonzani, the meeting was adjourned at 9:28 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen Salemi, Secretary
Town Planning & Zoning Commission